Friday, April 27, 2012

Website UP!

my new website is up and running, and the photographs loaded. I note some duplications and I need to start working on image descriptions but you can inspect the site and let me know what you think. I have not yet moved the blog over yet(as you can see).



Laurie said...

Looks good - tasteful, easy to navigate.

One typo so far - on the Resources page, under Roy Harrington:

"epsons original ultra chrome inks"

--> Epson's AND ultra chrome

PS - I understand the need for word matching, but please choose one's that are legible to humans.

Brad C said...

I really like the look of the site - but I think the gallery slideshows move a bit too quickly. I'd like more time to take in each shot. I can pause manually, so easy to stop if you want to.

I like the speed that everything loads, no waiting around...