I was curious to see what happens to an image when you move the clarity slider to the negative numbers. Suddenly detail is suppressed and the image takes on a smootheness and simpleness which is quite appealing - almost a posterized effect but not quite as there are still subtle shadings and tonal variations. just not big jumps that would emphasize fine detail.
Click on the image to see it larger to get a better sense of the look.
George, I prefer this picture. I attracted by its colour tone. What were the stuffs behind the fan? just curious. The green plus blue colour caught my attention against the rusty colour. I found this beautiful contrast :-)
Hey George, I had a tough time choosing between this and the first shot, but have to say that the first "high key" one had more appeal to me - here the color just distracts me from the amazing lines in the composition...just my two ¢
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