On call and unable to leave town, I popped over to Heritage Park for the afternoon, capturing this image of the blade of a snow plow. Similar units are still in use on Canadian track to clear the line.
Musings on photography, the art of creating images, technical talk, useful tips, rants and ravings of a published photographer of 40+ years experience.
This reminds me of the picture of the bow of a ship that was included in your book. I really enjoy them both.
Have you done a lot of dodging / burning for this picture, or did the light on the plow present itself as such?
I've just discovered Bruce Barnbaum through "Lenswork" a few issues ago. I really enjoy the work presented there, and both this picture and the ship picture mentioned above seem (to my eye anyhow) to fall into a similar category. Graphic and pleasing tonality.
Image processing included some filtering in black and white conversion adjustment layer, then some lightening, Akvis Enhancer and some final minor adjustments in contrast.
I like the shot: subject, composition, and so on, but I'd like to see more contrast. Greys darkened down to give a greater sense of the mass and heft of the giant plow.
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