Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hornby Island

From a few years ago, two images for stitching, neither on its own looking very good and therefore overlooked, but when combined...


TJ said...

I get the impression that the color version (in ProPhoto space) would be awesome too.

Sandy Wilson said...

"Pictures Come from Pictures" is the title of a book by Prof Carl Chiarenza. Here is an example of looking back at previous images with the purpose of making new and improved images.

We can learn an immense amount from our previously made images. Such as where we have come from and more importantly were we are going with our images in the future.

This is definately a good topic for your next book George.

I use this type of assessment all the time, and the funny thing is that it works.

TJ said...

I agree with Sandy. In fact, recently I've been re-visiting my last vacation's shots, more specifically, panoramas. I've just figured out after an experiment that changing the "conventional" points of view in any type of panorama (or projections) makes for an interesting aspect.