Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Last Night's Image

I was lucky to get this image as the government is now paranoid, not about terrorists, just bitchy neighbours who keep an eye on the Turner Valley Gas Plant Historic Site and report every imaginary and real violation they can come up with. Convinced this long since cleaned up site is continuing to polute the Sheep River (despite water tests to the contrary) they have forced closed this site so that even with special permission one cannot go in. Natural gas comes out of the ground on it's own and has done so for centuries and will continue to do so long after we leave this earth.

Anyway, the image:

Scott was right in his comments, we are looking at scsi water at the bottom of not a pipe but a 40 foot wide water tank, long since abandoned, yet with about a foot of water in the bottom and abundant growth. The lines are shadows of reinforcing beams across the top - it's photographed at noon so the sun is about as high as it gets in Alberta and most of the tank is well lit. The sides are of course rusted and made of welded sheet steel. There's even an old plastic ball in the bottom (gold coloured). It was shot with my 17-40 on the 10D so about 28 mm. equivalent for 35 mm.

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