Monday, October 26, 2009

Stats And How It Could Influence Our Photography

If we take it as given that a busy and good photographer can make a dozen strong images in a year (as per Ansel Adams comments), it might pay to spend some time reflecting on the circumstances which led to those images. How many of them happened when you simply picked up a camera with no idea of what you were going to shoot, just wandering around some place?

Did you see something worth photographing and ran home for your camera and thus captured one of your best?

What percent were from an organized shoot - I'm going to place A to shoot subject B and I'm going to dedicate several hours if not multiple visits to do so?

Do you know what percent of your best images were made while photographing with someone else - perhaps company stimulates you to perform - or maybe it inhibits you - the answer to the question is quite relevant for planning future shoots.

How similar are your best images? - too much alike, close enough to be the start of a project, totally random, each begging for more work of the same theme?

Next time I'm going to discuss the problem of going with your strengths without simply being repetitive.


Aaron B. Hockley said...

Most of my best images have been created while wandering on my own... perhaps with a goal in mind; perhaps while simply wandering. I enjoy going on the occasional group photowalk for the networking and conversation opportunities, but when it comes to creating great photos, I do my best work solo.

George Barr said...

Some of my best landscapes have been made on the way to or home from the "official" project.


Alexandre Buisse said...

I am into climbing and mountain photography, so I have a very short window of opportunity for images, typically the three or four days a year when I am high on a peak. I have found that I can quite consistently get good pictures while climbing, even though it is almost impossible to prepare for it.

Even though I practice urban photography, I have no real passion for it nor for this kind of environment, and I believe that it shows, as I rarely produce more than average images in that setting. Which is fine by me, as long as I can keep shooting the mountains.

Sandy Wilson said...

I never plan any of my images, i let them speak to me. Maybe it is my Taoist approach to my photography.

I always have to be alone to let the subject matter impress itself on me