Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Good News and Bad News

Well, got an email today from the publisher of

Take Your Photography To The Next Level

indicating that my concern about time frame was correct, we'll need to put the publishing date back to mid November. The good news, hey, it's listed on, now that really makes it feel like it's happening.

The link above will take you to the page, hey, I'm excited.


Howard Grill said...

George, will we be able to buy a signed copy direct from you??


Andy Ilachinski said...

I second that question!

George, have you given that some *do* have a following you know ;-)

George Barr said...

I have emails out to the publisher now to investigate how this could be handled. There's no problem with me getting a number of books, they send me some anyway, which I can obviously sign. I'm concerned about shipping from Canada and about suitable packaging materials. One suggestion from the publisher was what about using book plates - the book would be ordered or picked up in the usual fashion and they'd simply contact me to have a personalized hand written bookplate.

Any thoughts? A poor second best or a good idea?