Shot in 2005, I happened to be looking for another image and noted this three image sequence waiting for stitching.
Musings on photography, the art of creating images, technical talk, useful tips, rants and ravings of a published photographer of 40+ years experience.
don't know if you're testing us or what, with this one. Taste is personal (as the farmer said while kissing the pig), but this doesn't do anything at all for me. If this showed on on import/roll of film, it would quickly follow the badly-focused/bad exposures into the reject pile ("must have accidently hit the shutter on that one..."). I don't dismiss things just because I don't "like" them, but you've got me on this one!
This is obviously a interesting tree trunk. I would have considered making an image of this subject. The colours are really interesting.
However I would have gone in a bit closer and either consentrated on the light grey knot at the top, or the light patch below the oranage section in the lower half of the picture. The two light patches on the left are inclined to drag the eye to the left as they tend to compeat with the other light greys in the image. Sqinting at a larger version of the image reveals this. Light or dark patches at the edges of the frame can cause difficulties when viewing the image.
Elongated images like this are more difficuld for the eye to read as we all tend to scan images in a horizontal way first.
It is certainly worth another go George
George, I just got your first book. I love the pictures. They say a lot about the love you have for heart touching images.
This one, that some people do not like, I like very much. You figure. Not everyone likes coffe without sugar. I find this photo very powerfull. It reminds me of Lovecraft science fiction stories.
Something scary and out this world.
thank you. Yes, I think I would have difficulty putting into words why I like it, and am not surprised it doesn't meet universal approval, but it's good to know someone out there finds it interesting.
To be honest, I think that the Blogger template being used may not be showing the images to their best advantage.
Yes, you can click to enlarge, but still . . .
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