This is a crop, conversion to black and white, the addition of another 12 or so adjustment layers, two different duplicate image and dodge and burn on the duplicate and when happy flatten it and adjust some more.
I'm quite pleased with the result and feel it is much better than the colour version I posted a week or so ago.
The image is three shots with my Canon 1Ds2 and 90 mm. tilt and shift, both slightly tilted and using the shift to cover more and increase pixels. I could just as easily have not bothered with the shift and swung the lens but this close, finding the nodal point of the lens around which to swing is critical for easy stitching (or stitching at all if you don't get really close to spot on).
There has been some perspective correction in photoshop since I was also looking up - theoretically I could have used the shift capability of the lens to do this but I was already using it for increased coverage so that wasn't possible.
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