This image was shot while on holiday on Vancouver Island, at Cathedral Grove, a preserve of giant trees, both fir and cedar. The image was shot with a Zeiss Ikonta, a 6X6 cm. folding camera, 75 mm. Tessar lens. The camera was made in approximately 1938, the lens uncoated, it slips in a pocket and takes very nice pictures.
My camera (actually my Dad's) was destroyed very shortly after this picture was taken when I fell at a waterfall, managed to prevent the camera from hitting the ground, but lost the camera when the tripod socket ripped out of the bottom of the camera and the camera went bouncing down the rocks.
I picked up a replacement in excellent condition a few years ago on ebay and while I now shoot digital, I do love the camera and have occasionally shot with it.
my next medium format camera was the twin lens reflex Yashicamat 124G - a very nice camera who's only fault was a weak shutter release mechanism which didn't stand up to the wear of using a cable release and a part eventually failed one time too many to be bent back. It had a tack sharp lens, stopped down to f32 and made some very nice pictures which one of these days i will get round to scanning for you.
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