Thursday, April 19, 2007

Seeing Fatigue

I notice that when I'm out shooting - after a while (anything from 2 - 4 hours), I kind of stall out, not being able to see anything worthwhile in the landscape. I know it's time to go home, or at least to move on to new territory - I know that can work because quite often I see something after I have packed up and started home and it's generally well worth the effort to stop and unpack the equipment again. Sometimes those are the best shots of the whole day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know I've hit that wall when I find myself taking the dumbest photos of the most boring things. Well, more so than usual, anyway.

When it happens, I'll take a break, grab a bite to eat, and read a few pages of Brooks Jenson's Single Exposures. Seems to recharge the batteries as much as the diet Coke I'm drinking while I read it.