I'm not sure about the above image. Instinct tells me I like it, intellect tells me there's too much junk.
Of course, the place is about junk, there's stuff lying all over, some of it probably sitting there for 30 years or more, but perhaps I should have made more effort to make order out of chaos, maybe I should have just walked away. I'll think about it for a few weeks before making any rash decisions.
"I'll think about it for a few weeks before making any rash decisions."
Too late, man. You already posted it.
My take has always been, if its in the nature of a location to be cluttered, then by all means let it be cluttered.
I've always wondered how much "clean up" of a site photographers like Ansel did to his landscapes before photographing, especially close ups like stumps, were they all really that pristine when he first plunked his tripod down?
Good way to think of it - is it meant to be?
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