Thw weekend was the annual Model Railway Show for the public. Normally I demonstrate scenery making but this year the venue was a soccer facility - a single building holding 4 indoor soccer pitches, on carpet of course. They didn't seem to think that my messing with plaster, paint and water was all that good an idea.
Anyway last night I visited my friend Neil McKay's layout, to photograph it for possible publication. There is no real estate available anywhere in his basement - all full of layout and scenery and buildings. Already a huge steel mill sits on a second level. Neil and Dauna are busy building a model of the Milwaukee Station and where he thinks he's going to put it I have no idea. Unlike most modellers who never seem to get round to finishing their layout, Neil and Dauna have done a great job getting their layout looking very nice.
1 comment:
How nice it is that this AM's Washington Post reported that: "The freight railway industry is enjoying its biggest building boom in nearly a century, a turnaround as abrupt as it is ambitious. It is largely fueled by growing global trade and rising fuel costs for 18-wheelers. In 2002, the major railroads laid off 4,700 workers; in 2006, they hired more than 5,000. Profit has doubled industry-wide since 2003, and stock prices have soared. The value of the largest railroad, the Union Pacific, has tripled since 2001."
As for me, I can trace a direct line from railroads, to model railroads, to photography.
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