Saturday, March 17, 2007

Big Shoot:Slow Develop

It's taken six months to make sense of the images I shot on Vancouver Island. In the last week I have found half a dozen images that were definitely worth working with, even if no masterpieces. This, despite numerous poring throughs of the thumbnails in the past.

I suspect that what happened was:

1) I photographed for 10 straight days and unless the images looked great on the camera LCD, there was no way to remember which should work out and which I didn't expect to yield anything.

2) I remember having difficulty finding images - too much pretty scenery - where I had to work hardest to find images, I generally remembered them, where there were a surfeit of scenes to capture, I was less sure of my composition.

3) Since I shot 1500 images, going through them all requires considerable time.

4) a number of images did not match the format of the camera (3:2) and so required cropping to look good, meaning that thumbing through the images they woudn't necessarily jump out.

5) there are a fairly high proportion that work best in black and white - further removing the thumbnails from good prints.

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