This is what I was doing for those several years I didn't photograph. The HO scale Kananaskis And Elbow River Railway, since destroyed to make room for more and bigger printers - oh well.
Musings on photography, the art of creating images, technical talk, useful tips, rants and ravings of a published photographer of 40+ years experience.
You have a real eye for detail, that is incredible !
Looks like you've sussed out that fake tilt shift effect in photoshop... oh, hang on, that actually is a model!
Kidding. Looks fabulous.
Funny thing, I threw out my N-scale Hudson River Penn Central layout last year after discovering the immense joy of photography. Guess two such time consuming interests was to much for you too.
Glad you chose photography though, I really enjoyed browsing your blog.
Kind Regards, Nick
Doesn't look like we'll be bored if and when we retire - mind you if we keep spending money on our hobbies, we may not ever be able to retire.
I found that it was easier to take shots of other folks' layouts. Local clubs usually sponsor a layout tour once a year. It's a really good opportunity, especially if you find a member with a penchant for dramatic night lighting.
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