How do you deal with people who see animals and such like in your landscape photographs? Do you deliberately search them out? Do you typically see the same things your viewer does - and before they commment? What do you see in the above image? Do you care?
For myself I note that I can see something in the image when I see it small, and nothing when it fills at least half the screen. This makes you think about relationships in images - how close they have to be to each other to have meaning. I wonder if there is something to be learned here?

I hate it when people see things that are unintended or trivial. It makes me think they're looking for Waldo when they view photos instead of looking at the whole picture. Commenting on my B&W of a 100 year old headstone, one person said "I see a wolf's head near the top". Granted, the pattern he saw was there if you were inclined to see it in the weathered surface, but I wish he had kept the observation to himself. That photo is ruined for me now because whenever I look at it I see the damn wolf.
Oh good, I thought it was just me!
A framer I used for years was always finding faces and animals in my images and I found it frustrating too.
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