Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Scouting Old Files

From 2003 - four images stitched, Banff, Alberta, Bow River, Akvis Enhancer toned down to about 20 percent of the effect. This can be done either immediately after using fade under the edit menu in Photoshop, or it can be done by duplicating the image in anoher layer, applying Enhancer to the upper layer, then decreasing opcacity of that layer, or even creating a mask so it can be toned down locally. The latter method has the advantage of being adjustable later on - fade only works immediately after the filter is applied and cannot be adjusted once applied. Fortunately it comes with a slider so you can select the amount you want.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi George,

Maybe you could give us a review of this enhancer tool and perhaps some before and after shots to help us understand its effects and whether we would like to use this in our own work. In your spare time of course ;)
