Sunday, March 04, 2007

Breaking The Composition Rules

Not only is this image way too tall and skinny, it isn't divided into thirds, and the left side is white, the right black, the trees are chopped off near the ground. That said, it works for me.


Kal said...

It works for me too. This shows how I look at a half frozen stream when hiking in the mountains: I need to cross it, but there is no way, and I must follow it instead.
This is how I read your image, and the vertical panoramic format greatly helps at that.

Howard Grill said...

It works for me as well. I think that part of the reason it does is that although, as you point out, it is half white and half dark, the white and dark is not in the form of a straight line but, rather, has a nice curve to it. Also, although the river is cut in half the trees at the bottom of the image seem to lead the eye downriver and also are perfectly framed themselves. Because they end near the edge of the frame it seems 'right' for the image to be cropped there. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it works for you, George, because you are becoming an abstract artist! That's how this image works for me. Who cares about rules...