Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Jura Canyon Blend

The image above is made up of a total of 20 images. The left hand wall required 11 images blended in Helicon Focus to cope with the huge depth of field requirement while other parts of the image took fewer. The image is stitched from the output of 5 different blends. The images didn't line up properly in photoshop but were close enough that with adjusting the seams between images, the flaws were hidden. This would not have been possible had this been a less homogenious subject. It might have been possible to use PTGui or even to resize the individual images to better blend them, but it worked this way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi George, I've been following your blog for a while now and find it very helpful and food for thought. I was wondering if I could impose on you to email me a more indepth description of how you did this blend. I've been intrigued with the possibility of mimicking a large format camera's resolution through this blending and stitching, even though it is alot of extra work.

Thanks for your time, George.

